Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission | Re-registration of Certified Persons
Re-registration of Certified Persons
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Re-registration of Certified Persons
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Re-registration in the Certification Registers for 2024 - €80.00
Your personal data will be kept for administrative and regulatory purposes in accordance with the section 92 of the Law 87(I)/2017 and with Part III of the Directive regarding the certification of persons and the public register.  The collection and processing of your personal data will be done in accordance with the Processing of Personal Data (Protection of the Individual) Law of 2001.

By following the below procedure, your Re-registration in Certification Registers for 2024 will be completed and no other action or application will be required.
In regards to the Continues Professional Training you ARE NOT currently required submit any certificates. Please save your certificates since you might be requested to submit them at a later stage.

For more information, please see the related announcement.
For Re-registration instructions, please see here.

a. Certification # (CN)
Please enter your CN number as follows: 1234, do not enter the letters CN.
b. Certification Level
Please enter your Certification Level: Basic/Advanced/AML.
Re-registration should be done for one certification only.
c. First Name
d. Middle Name / Father Name
e. Last Name
f. Mobile Number
g. E-Mail Address
h. Current Company
Please type your current Company
i. Current Position within the Company
Please type your company position/duties
j. Phone Number
k. Other Company during previous year
Please type any other company that you work during the previous year
I have completed of my CPT requirements, of article 17(2)(a) of Directive 44/2019, 103/2019, 73/2020, 353/2020 as amended.
I declare that all details of my application are accurate and correct. In case of an inaccuracy I am aware of the consequences provided by the Laws of the Republic.

Your personal data will be kept for administrative and regulatory purposes in accordance with the section 92 of the Law 87(I)/2017 and with Part III of the Directive regarding the certification of persons and the public register. The collection and processing of your personal data will be done in accordance with the applicable General Data Protection Regulation.
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