Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission | Documentation and Useful Links
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Documentation and Useful Links
The law that provides for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions or Decisions (Sanctions) and the European Union Council’s Decisions and Regulations (Restrictive Measures) is Law 58(I)/2016. In accordance with the said Law, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) is responsible for the compliance of the regulated entities with the Sanctions/Restrictive Measures that are decided and imposed by the United Nations’ Security Council and the European Union. Furthermore, the Combating of Terrorism and Victims’ Protection Law Ν. 75(I)/2019 deals with a number of issues, including the definition of terrorism felonies, the responsibilities of legal persons, responsibility of entities obliged under the AML/CFT Law to confiscate property belonging or controlled by persons engaged in terrorism and the responsibility of supervisory authorities for ensuring that obliged entities abide with the relevant provisions of this law.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs website (Theme ‘Sanctions’) lists relevant information regarding Sanctions/Restrictive Measures.
For timely, valid and immediate updates on current European Union (EU) restrictive measures and United Nations (UN) sanctions, you could consult the following useful links:
For EU restrictive measures:
EU Sanctions Map
Consolidated List of Sanctions
Consolidated FAQs on the implementation of Council Regulation No 833/2014 and 269/2014
European Union External Action Service
European Commission
Council of the European Union
Official Journal of the European Union                                
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)                     
For UN sanctions:
General Information
Consolidated List of Sanctions
United Nations Security Council Resolutions
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime        

Guidance on Sanctions and Restrictive Measures
(CySEC’s Practical Guide)
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